In Mission with Mary

Our Mission is the Education and
Faith-Formation of Young People

Following in the footsteps of our Founder, Blessed William Joseph Chaminade, we aim to nurture in our students an informed and vibrant faith that they can share with everyone they meet.  In our schools, we stive to form young people with the skills and talents they need to contribute toward building a better society, near and far. We offer qualitative and dynamic academic programs, while at the same time giving abundant attention to developing each one, as a person and as a child of a loving God. At the same time, through a multiplicity of a retreat and non-formal experiences, we aim to accompany these young people in their growth. We engage with extraordinarily competent and generous lay collaborators, as well as with the students’ own families and alumni, to form an apostolic family, within each work, and across the Province.

“Ours is indeed a grand work, a magnificent work, and if it is universal in scope, it is because we are missionaries of Mary, who says to us, ‘Do whatever He tells you.’”     -Blessed William Joseph Chaminade

Apostolic Faith Formation

“Education is more than the provision of education and instruction. It is the awakening of human creative potential; it is providing individuals with the ability to master their own destiny.” – Characteristics of a Marianist Education

Marianist education is rooted in a rich tradition of faith. Students practice their Catholic identity through prayer, Mass, retreats, and service. Mary serves as the inspiration for these activities; her message at the Wedding Feast at Cana to “Do whatever He tells you” (John 2:5) drives our young men and women to open their eyes, ears, and hearts to God.

Read about our ministries…

Education for Excellence

Our schools combine the proven curriculum and methods of a successful tradition with modern pedagogical advances to provide our students with a rich, qualitative educational experience. The academic program, offered in an atmosphere of positive Christian commitment, requires a thorough study of basic intellectual disciplines, while offering extensive co-curricular and extra-curricular opportunities for practical application and personal understanding. A Marianist education within the Province of Meribah is a highly valued experience, deeply respected throughout Long Island and beyond.

Service to God, People and Nation

Our schools seek to engage students in service to the Church, the school, and the community. In doing so, they not only help others, but they, themselves come to a deeper relationship with Jesus and discover new ways to actively express their faith.

Our young people participate in a wide variety of projects. School and community service, visiting the elderly, and working with children, even volunteering on an international level, are just a few of the many types of service in which they are engaged.