Mixed Composition


During January, 2011, an international symposium on Mixed Composition was held at the General Adminstration in Rome.  Presented below are the final REPORTS from this symposium, as well as some documents from the preparation ahead of the sessions.

Mixed Composition is a precious element of our Marianist Charism.  It is a gift to our vocation, and through us, to the Church.   Our attentiveness to cultivating and maintaining this gift is critical to our identity as members of the Society of Mary.

The documents are present in various languages, as produced at the time of the symposium.

FINAL REPORTS from the Symposium on Mixed Composition

Other documents generated in preparation for the Sympoisum (languages are indicated)

  • 1: Mixed Composition in Ecclesiological Context (Johann Roten, SM)  ENG  –  ES
    • Response:  Joseph Kozar, SM – ENG
    • Response:  Lorenzo Amigo, SM – ESP  –  ENG
    • Response:  Domingo Fuentes, SM – ENG
  • 2: Mixed Composition of the Marianists – a Canonical view (Francis G. Morrisey, OMI) – ENG
  • 3-1: Reflections on the History of Mixed Composition in the SM (Timothy Phillips, SM) – ENG  –  FR
  • 3-2:  Mixed Composition in Action (José Ramón García-Murga, SM) – ESP  –  ENG
    • Response to 3-1 and 3-2: Antonio Gascón, SM – ESP  –  ENG
    • Response to 3-1 and 3-2: Eddie Alexander, SM – FR  –  ENG
  • 4: Pastoral Dimensions of Mixed Composition: Mission, Ministries and Formation (José María Arnaiz, SM) – ESP  –  ENG
    • Response: Hugh Bihl, SM – ENG
    • Response: E. Maximin Magnan, SM – FR  –  ENG
  • 5: Some Cultural and Social Aspects (David Fleming, SM) –  ENG
    • Response: Felipe Melcher, SM – ENG
    • Response: Darwin Joseph, SM – ENG
    • Response: Jomo Mwaura, SM – ENG
    • Response: John Ko, SM – ENG