The Society of Mary – An International Community

Getting to Know the SM

The Society of Mary, a Roman Catholic Marian Society, is a congregation of brothers and priests called “Marianists” or Marianist Brothers and Priests. The Society was founded in 1817 by Blessed William Joseph Chaminade, a priest who survived the anti-clerical persecution during the French Revolution. The Society is one of the four branches of the Marianist Family. Along with the other branches, the Marianist Brothers and Priests look to Mary as a model of faith and spirituality. They believe that the best ways to live a spiritual life in are to share their faith with others, work with the poor, and educate and nourish the mind, the body, and the soul, all in the context of religious community.

Where are the Marianists?

Currently, the members of the Society of Mary are present in 29 countries, situated in Europe, Asia, North and South America and Africa. For a more detailed understanding of our international presence and mission, click on the interactive map below.

Marianist Educational Works around the World

For us, education is a privileged means of formation in faith. Through this means we aim to sow, cultivate, and strengthen the Christian spirit and help it flourish in the human race.”
SM Rule of Life, Art. 74

Fortes in Fede means “Strong in Faith.”

Marianist Works of Charity around the World

Currently, the members of the Society of Mary are present in 29 countries, situated in Europe, Asia, North and South America and Africa. For a more detailed understanding of our international presence and mission, click on the interactive map below.

Links to International SM Sites

For much more information about the Society of Mary, and the International Marianist Family, visit the official website at

Here you will find many useful links, as well as a wealth of information and resources. This site is available in three languages: English, Spanish and French.