Called by Christ — In Mission with Mary
Answering the Lord’s Call
God calls all people. This is what we mean when we use the term “VOCATION.” Some do hear that call, or if heard, they do not allow it to move them. Others, though, perceive it and seek to respond. It is up to each one of us, often in dialogue with other trusted persons, to discern what God’s call means for our own lives. Are we called to faithfulness as a lay person, priest or religious? The Marianists have come from all walks of life and many different types of families. Yet, they all share the experience of having discerned God’s call to serve the Church as religious in the Society of Mary. For some, this has been an easy discernment, while for others, it has taken plenty of time, dialogue and prayer. Some of us resisted the initial call, but later came to accept the grace being extended to us through God’s call. Some of us discern the call to Marianist priesthood, while others live their call as lay religious brothers. We all live in community as brothers, equal in dignity and devotion to service in mission. Could it be that God is calling you, too, to be a Marianist religious? We invite you to explore some of the resources below and contact us if you wish to go deeper into your vocational discernment.
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Developing a Deep Personal Relationship with God
When God calls, it is usually not a dramatic experience, such as St. Paul being knocked off his horse! Rather, it is more of a gentle nudging that enters one’s consciousness; a feeling that remains, even if it does not find an immediate embrace. Often, one is “called” to a religious vocation by the example of a religious brother, sister or priest that one has encountered in his own life, an inspiration that suggests imitation. MORE…
Forming Disciples of Christ
We Marianists look to Mary, the Mother of the Lord, as our inspiration and model. She is venerated, not for working miracles or convincing orations. Rather, she first accepted God’s call to be part of Salvation’s plan when she was asked to bear God’s own Son. Then, not only was she a faithful disciple of that Son, she repeatedly led others to Him, so that they, too, could be transformed and experience Grace. This, too, is our mission as Marianists. MORE…
Empowering Youth Through Faith and Service
Empowering youth to be strong disciples of Christ through engaging them in meaningful and inspiring activities with the aim of helping each one to: deepen their spiritual lives; expand their knowledge of God and our world; develop into loving, caring, giving and faithful adults; and share generously and with gratitude their time and treasure with God’s people. We do this in our classrooms, our extra-curricular activities, retreats and many other ways. Mostly, though, we try to give a good example, which speaks even better than words! MORE…
Transforming Lives Through the Witness of Community
Individualism and self-absorption have made the world in which we live a place where it is sometimes difficult to perceive the presence of God. Instead, competition, incessant activity and the quest for wealth and power dominate our society. As religious living in community, we endeavor to be a counter-witness to the dominant culture of our world, showing, as Fr. Chaminade said “that the Gospel can still be lived in its fullness in our world.” The joy that is evident in our life and work gives testimony that this is, indeed, still possible. MORE…
There are also Marianist Sisters!
For women who may be interested in discerning a vocation to the Marianist Sisters, The Daughters of Mary Immaculate, click HERE.
If you would like more information, or would like to speak with someone about a possible Marianist vocation, use the form below to initiate the contact.