Resources for Province Members

The Marianist Charism

The Marianist charism is a gift from God that inspires the Marianists’ way of life and actions. It’s characterized by five pillars, or primary beliefs and focal points, that guide the Marianists’ lives:

+ Faith: Marianists are spiritual people who believe in God and serve others through prayer and action.

+ Mary: Marianists view Mary as a model of Christian living and discipleship.

+ Community: Marianists live in welcoming communities and believe that living, praying, and supporting each other strengthens their faith.

+ Mission: Marianists are called to make the world a better place by responding to those in need and working for the coming of Christ’s kingdom.

+ Inclusivity: Marianists practice discipleship of equals, where brothers and priests share equal status and priesthood is seen as a ministry.

The Marianists are a worldwide Catholic family of brothers, priests, sisters, and lay people. The Society of Mary is the male religious congregation, and the Daughters of Mary Immaculate is the female religious congregation.

Letters of Fr. Chaminade

Transcriptions of the letters of the Founder
Letters #’s 0-556
Letters #’s 557-1147
Letters #’s 1148-1525

Jubilee Year 2025

Links to various resources for the Jubilee Year of 2025:
Holy See

History of the SM

(A. Gascón)

PDF versions of the English translations (for internal use only!)
Vol. 1

Marianist Saints

Link to information and resources regarding Marianist Causes

Other Resources for Province Members

Various publications in digital formats

Resources from the Holy See

Encyclicals, guidance documents and other publications in various formats