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The Marianist Province of Meribah on Long Island, New York, is a beacon of faith where consecrated men find purpose and community. We are dedicated to following the Marianist Charism, educating young people through our schools and retreats, fostering a life of devotion, service, and spiritual growth as we take up the mission of the Blessed Virgin Mary, bringing souls to Christ.

May the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit be glorified in all places, through the Immaculate Virgin Mary!

The Marianist Charism

The Marianist charism is a gift from God that inspires the Marianists’ way of life and actions. It’s characterized by five pillars, or primary beliefs and focal points, that guide the Marianists’ lives:

+ Faith: Marianists are spiritual people who believe in God and serve others through prayer and action.

+ Mary: Marianists view Mary as a model of Christian living and discipleship.

+ Community: Marianists live in welcoming communities and believe that living, praying, and supporting each other strengthens their faith.

+ Mission: Marianists are called to make the world a better place by responding to those in need and working for the coming of Christ’s kingdom.

+ Inclusivity: Marianists practice discipleship of equals, where brothers and priests share equal status and priesthood is seen as a ministry.

The Marianists are a worldwide Catholic family of brothers, priests, sisters, and lay people. The Society of Mary is the male religious congregation, and the Daughters of Mary Immaculate is the female religious congregation.

Our Founder

Blessed William Joseph Chaminade

Missionary Apostolic; Founder of the Marianist Family

Our Mission

“You are all missionaries”

Committed to nurturing faith and unity in every action.

Sons of Mary

“To Make Mary Known, Loved and Served”

Joining in her mission of bringing people to Christ

Understanding our
Mixed Composition

“There is only one Marianist Vocation.”

Lay religious and priests in complimentary vocations

About the Society of Mary throughout the World

Serving God’s People throughout the World

Together, forming “the man who never dies.”

About the Province of Meribah

Service in a Spirit of Hope, Faith and Gratitude

Driven to inspire love, hope, and faithfulness everywhere.

Community Life and Family Spirit

“The Marianist community aims to be an image of the first community of Jesus’ disciples, united with Mary and filled with the Holy Spirit. We give ourselves to community life in order to bear witness to God’s love,
to attain holiness, and to fulfill our apostolic mission.

We form a new family, based on the Gospel of the Lord, in which we share in common prayer, friendship, possessions, work, successes, and difficulties. We aim to make family spirit the distinctive mark of our communities, growing in the characteristics of Mary, particularly her faith, humility, simplicity, and hospitality.” – From the Rule of Life of the Society of Mary (Art. 34-35)

For the religious of the Province of Meribah, the fostering of a community, inspired by faith, animated by mutual service and sharing, and sustained by fraternal concern and compassion, is a key pillar of our life and mission. Like the first community of Jerusalem, having one heart and one soul, we hope to bear witness to the presence of Christ and to show that still today, the Gospel can be lived in all the force of its letter and spirit.